Taxonomic list T2F, primary language: LA, subsidiary: EN, interface: EN, work in progress

cellula epithelialis

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Level 2 cellula epithelialis Short Extended
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Taxonomic list
Short official Latin term
Short English equivalent
66768 18509
cellula epithelialis
epithelial cell
cellula ectoepithelialis
ectoepithelial cell
cellula ectoepithelialis generalis
general ectoepithelial cell
neuroectoepithelial cell
62364 8803 part
cochlear hair cell; cochleocyte
62365 9280 part
cochleocytus internus
inner hair cell; internal cochleocyte
62366 9285 part
cochleocytus externus
outer hair cell; external cochleocyte
75707 8437 part
vestibulocytus sustenans
vestibular supporting cell; supporting vestibulocyte
70549 7775
epitheliocytus choroideus
choroid epitheliocyte
79797 9225 part
supporting cell; supporting epitheliocyte ; supporting epithelial cell
79798 8779 part
epitheliocytus limitans
border cell; limiting epitheliocyte ; limiting epithelial cell
9218 part
epitheliocytus limitans internus
inner border cell; internal limiting epitheliocyte
79799 9219 part
epitheliocytus limitans externus
outer border cell; external limiting epitheliocyte
9220 part
epitheliocytus glandularis externus basalis
basal external glandular cell; basal external glandular epitheliocyte
79802 9224 part
epitheliocytus limitans sulci spiralis externi ; epitheliocytus cuboideus sustenans externus
outer sulcus cell; cuboidal external supporting cell
79797 9265
epitheliocytus interdentalis
interdental epitheliocyte ; interdental cell
epitheliocytus sustenans pilaris
pillar supporting epitheliocyte
75726 9226 part
epitheliocytus pilaris internus
internal pillar epithelial cell
75727 9235 part
epitheliocytus pilaris externus
external pillar epithelial cell
epitheliocytus phalangeus
phalangeal epitheliocyte
79801 9258 part
epitheliocytus phalangeus internus
internal phalangeal supporting cell; internal phalangeal epitheliocyte
75725 9259 part
epitheliocytus phalangeus externus
external phalangeal supporting cell; external phalangeal epitheliocyte
cellula endoepithelialis
endoepithelial cell
cellula mesioepithelialis
mesioepithelial cell
24 items
Scientific notes
Libelle of note
See note # 5224
The German “Pfeilerzelle” was correctly translated into US English as “pillar cell”, but in UK English as “pilar cell”(Fritzsch B, Elliott KL 2018 Auditory nomenclature: Combining name recognition with anatomical description. Front Neuroanat 12:98).
See note # 9226
Type of list T2F
List Unit Identifier 18509
Sublist 1 22882 cellula neuroectoepithelialis 18/19 on 26.11.2020
Subtotals subchildren 18 subunits 19
Proper children 5
Number of children 23 (validated)
Proper units 5
Number of units 24 (validated)
Signature 17969 (validated since 9.7.2024)
Date: 09.07.2024